Information of New『CHUNITHM 』International Version
Please pay attention to the information of the New CHUNITHM SUN Version!
Important Information of the New CHUNITHM SUN Version
Data which can be carried on to the new version | |
Player’s Data | Player’s Level (Including CHUNI STAR), Player’s Name, Rating(※)、TITLE、MAP (Excluding particular MAPs ) |
Songs | Score, Rank, Clear Mark (CLEAR/FULL COMBO/ALL JUSTICE/FULL CHAIN)、MASTER・ULTIMA unlocked status |
Character | Owned Character(s), Characters’ Ranking, Exceed the limit |
Skill | Owned Skill(s), Owned Skill Seed(s) |
Ticket | Owned Ticket(s) |
Items | Owned Nameplate, Owned MAP Icon, Owned Statue, Owned TITLE, Avatar Costume |
CHUNITHM-NET | Ranking (Excluding particular parts) , Friends, Total amount of play, Serial Code usage status, P-Points |
Data which will not be carried on to the new version | |
Player’s Data | ブラン, Map(Excluding particular MAPs),the number of days for the「CHUNITHM NEW」Daily Login Bonus, the number of days for the Total Login Bonus |
Course Mode | Score, Rank, Clear Mark (CLEAR/FULL COMBO/ALL JUSTICE) |
CHUNITHM-NET | Ranking (Total ブラン Ranking) , Course Record, Course Ranking |
※The Ranking might be adjusted because some of the Songs’ level have been adjusted or deleted.
<About the「Total ブラン Ranking」 within the CHUNITHM-NET>
The 「TOTAL ブラン Ranking」within the CHUNITHM-NET will be updated to be as a new Ranking.
You will still be able to view the「TOTAL ブラン Ranking」until the 1st of March 2023 (WED).
Kindly note that the new currency’s Ranking will be started from the 2nd of March 2023.
<About the Rating Possession>
Starting from 「CHUNITHM SUN」International Version, the Rating Possession conditions have been adjusted.
Rainbow:The Rank conditions which equal to the OVER POWER conditions will be harder.
Platinum:The OVER POWER conditions will be harder.
Gold:Rank conditions will be slightly easier and added the OVER POWER conditions.
Silver:Conditions remain the same.
Staring from「CHUNITHM SUN」International Version, the price for 「WORLD’S END PLAY TICKET」and「ULTIMA PLAY TICKET」will be adjusted.
TICKET | Price |
WORLD’S END PLAY TICKET | 10000 → 5000 |
ULTIMA PLAY TICKET | 25000 → 5000 |
<Some of the songs, which are part of the 「WORLD’S END」will be removed.>
Kindly note that some of the songs which are part of the 「WORLD’S END」will be removed in 「CHUNITHM SUN」International Version.
Below are the songs which will be affected:
Songs which will be affected | |
ようこそジャパリパークへ | 紅蓮華 |
五等分の気持ち | チャージマン研! |
殺人レコード恐怖のメロディ | さよならエレジー |
The「WORLD’S END」Notes Design which will be affected | |
U ARE [両] ☆☆ | 真千年女王 [半] ☆☆☆ |
砂漠のハンティングガール♡ [弾] ☆☆☆ | 《本能》 ~ ReCoda [半] ☆☆☆ |
LINK LINK FEVER!!! [招] ☆ | G e n g a o z o [覚] ☆☆☆ |
Imperishable Night 2006 (2016 Refine) [両] ☆☆☆☆ | エピクロスの虹はもう見えない [割] ☆☆☆☆ |
Dengeki Tube [避] ☆☆☆ | Life [両] ☆☆ |
Aragami [蔵] ☆☆☆☆ | G e n g a o z o [狂] ☆☆☆☆☆ |
チャージマン研! [狂] ☆☆ | 五等分の気持ち[割] ☆☆ |
Kindly note that:
●The affected songs’ Record and Ranking will be removed from CHUNITHM-NET.
●The affected songs’ Scores will not be conuted within the Total High Score.
●The TITLEs, which are redeemed by completing the conditions of the affected songs, will still be available in the new version.
<Some of the MAPs will be removed>
Starting from「CHUNITHM SUN」International Version, some of the MAPs will be removed.
Below are the MAPs which will be affected:
The MAPs which wil be removed | |
イロドリミドリ ~ 襲来のシンセ研編 | 言ノ葉Project 「BLACK ROSE~分解探偵アウル~」 |
ロシェの宝物庫 | グルーヴコースター |
東方Extra 4 | ネコぱら |
ツユ | 結月ゆかり・紲星あかり・琴葉 茜・葵 |
さんばか | プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク |
<Some of the QUESTs will be removed>
Starting from「CHUNITHM SUN」International Version, some of the QUESTs will be removed.
Below are the QUESTs which will be affected:
The QUEST which will be removed | |
世界襲撃♥ハネムーン | 舞ヶ原シンセ研究会 |
勧善懲悪 | 残されし秩序の守護者 |
グルーヴコースター | 東方Extra 4 |
ネコぱら | ツユ |
結月ゆかり・紲星あかり・琴葉 茜・葵 | さんばか |
プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク |
Kindly note that the RAINBOW STATUE within the below MAPs will be removed. Therefore, you will no longer be able to get the RAINBOW STATUE within these MAPs in the new version.
※MAPs which contain the RAINBOW STATUE will be added later on in「CHUNITHM SUN」International Version.
MAPs which contain the RAINBOW STATUE | |
NEW ep. IV | NEW ep. V |
NEW ep. VI | NEW ep. Chaos |
<About the Songs which will be available at all times>
Starting from「CHUNITHM SUN」International Version, below songs will be available at all times!
Available Songs | |
UTAKATA | Rule the World!! |
どうぶつ☆パラダイス | まっすぐ→→→ストリーム! |
トリドリ⇒モリモリ! Lovely fruits☆ | 夜明けのストリング |
GODLINESS | Baqeela |
Titania | 雪男 |
蜘蛛の糸 |
<About the Skills>
Some of the Skills, which are from 「CHUNITHM NEW PLUS」International Version, the Skill’s name will be changed and displayed as「(Skill Name)【NEW】」. Those Skills will still be available in the new 「CHUNITHM SUN」International Version.
However, some of the Skills’ effects and details have been adjusted.
Also, new Skills which will be displayed as 「(Skill Name)【SUN】」will be added in 「CHUNITHM SUN」International Version.
Existing Skills (CHUNITHM NEW PLUS) | Remarks |
オールガード 天使の息吹 ゲージブースト コンボエクステンド ジャッジメント オーバージャッジ 道化師の狂気 天地創造 |
Name: Changed to (Skill’s Name) 【NEW】 Effect:No changes |
アタックブレイク | Name:Changed to アタックギルティ【NEW】 Effect:Changed to have additional damage for ATTACK or below. |
勇気のしるし | Name:Changed to コンボバースト【NEW】 Effect:No changes |
限界突破の証 真・限界突破の証 絆・限界突破の証 |
Name:No changes Effect:When reaching 1,010,000 points, the bonus will be decreased |
キャンペーンブースト | Name:No changes Effect:No changes |
New Skills (CHUNITHM SUN) | Remarks |
オールガード【SUN】 ゲージブースト【SUN】 コンボエクステンド【SUN】 アタックギルティ【SUN】 ジャッジメント【SUN】 オーバージャッジ【SUN】 道化師の狂気【SUN】 |
Newly added |
嘆きのしるし【SUN】 勇気のしるし【SUN】 |
Effect:When judging the JUSTICE CRITICAL, added bonus + other conditions |
※Do not have 「天使の息吹【SUN】」and 「天地創造【SUN】」.